This may seem like a strange thing to think much less write about but... Here goes! I know I have a passion and a calling to do what I get to do in Vietnam. What amazes me or maybe makes me wonder, "what's wrong with these people are the ones who come, give their time, talent and yes spend their own treasure. One of these "special" people is Hannah Ostrander She is back for her 3rdtime! Staying this time for nearly for 3 months. She opts out of hanging with the teams that come, saying she's here to hang with kids. She stays at the office, eats like the locals. Uses motor bike taxis, that alone is an "experience" Hannah's dreams? Move here after she completes her education doing what she loves full time. Transforming kids' lives, making learning fun. Truly and amazing young lady with a calling. I love and admire her greatly
Enjoy this journal, I certainly did!
"When I was a kid, my parents used to talk about this thing called a love tank. Some days it was full, others a bit low, but the best days were when it was absolutely bursting. I don't know how else to describe what it's like to be here, other than that day after day it's as if my love tank is overflowing with the love I have for these people and the love they share with me in return. In the little over a month that I've been here, I have experienced astounding heat, foreign foods (and the consequences that go with them), a frustrating language barrier, 7 power outages, a tropical depression, sewage back-flow, and bug-bite induced anaphylactic shock. Still, I can sum it up in just two words: worth it".
"As far as what I do exactly has yet to be determined. For the mean time I have donned the title Ambassador of All Things Fun, Interesting, and Crazy. It seems to fit. I go to each of the homes and occasionally community center classes bringing various games and activities. Highlights include slime making, dry-ice experimenting, pvc pipe instrument playing and spin-art crafting."
" Materials I can't find I make, such as the spin art machine I hacked together from a broken fan motor, some cardboard and a plastic bin. I love watching the kid's faces every time I bring something new. I think they are starting to realize I rarely use anything for its intended purpose."
"It amazes me how much there is still for me to learn. As this is my third summer here, I admittedly came into this thinking I knew how things would go. Haha, yeah that's funny. Thing is you can't know what's best for someone if you don't even know them. So I threw out the idea of having any sort of a plan and instead choose to focus on being present, with eyes and ears open."
"What I am seeing is astounding me. Kids who once hated each other and would often fight now sitting together, passing supplies and willingly sharing the spotlight. Children once terrified of the world now eagerly running up and bombarding me with a welcomed hug. Unwed mothers fully accepting their infant child and loving them fiercely. These sights are not new to me, I have seen them every time I come."
"But every day I spend here, I understand these things a little bit better. My knowledge of the cost behind each sight grows deeper allowing me to remain continually in awe of the transformations taking place. Knowing I get to be a small part of this transformation through the smiles, love, and yes silliness that I bring makes my love tank overflow."
><((((º> BBlessed