From the start GIBTK has enjoyed the benefits of friends! Some would call it favor and I guess it is. But to me it has been about being a friend. And friends help friends out.
I first learned from my father, that when guests come we entertain and take care of them, for many ways it has come naturally to our family. It was from one of these groups of "guests" I first met Giang Bui. When he was appointed to the Vietnam Mission to the UN, I called him to congratulate him on his promotion but he kindly stated, "actually it is actually a demotion"
Giang is now the Director General of Department for West Europe and North America. He is also a close advisor and council for the highest position in Vietnam. But to me Giang is a friend!
He is not a friend because of how he can help us or how I may help him it is we are friends. The other day when Gary Schwammlein was in town and I called Giang and mentioned we were to meet with a staff of ministry of foreign affairs he said let me call you right back.
When he called me moments later he first apologized that the Director General of Ministry of Religious affairs was out of the city but that he has arranged for a meeting with the Vice Director. All the time saying the Director personally said he was very sorry. You see that is the type of man Mr. Giang is.
Some time ago he asked if GIBTK would ever consider expanding to the North. My answer was maybe... I saw his interest in the international port of Hai Phong. So last Tet we made a contribution of Tet gifts for 30 orphans. A small gift.
Giang has told me the lady who handled the gifts insisted he bring me there so she could thank us personally. In honor of my friend I said you bet. (You know there are those who say "yeah but..." And those who say, "You bet!") Once we agreed I extended my trip by a day.
My expectations for the day were simple, a meeting with tea, some cute kids and maybe a bouquet of flowers. But much to my surprise it was a top-level meeting with top officials from the Central Committee for Hai Phong. Tam leaned over to me and reminded me that it is very rare for officials of this caliber to meet with humanitarian organizations.
They of course thanked us and gave us some gifts. Followed with a tasty lunch. But what happened was they for lack of a better word gave the keys to city. At least as far as choosing programs or freedom to work there. When I asked about our license to be extended several spoke up and said guaranteed!
I committed to returning my next trip, To discuss further possible cooperation with Hai Phuong. They are the major shipping port that comes with many issues common to society including sexual slavery, HIV/AIDS and substance addiction.
My first thought (and second and third thoughts) was this is tough stuff. But you know what GIBTK has never chosen easy projects nor done it the easy way! And as so often I have written the God I serve has the answers for the ills of societies toughest "issues" He is just looking for someone to say, "Yes I'll go."
Today as we did the other day in Cambodia we said okay God if it is your call to us, we will step out of the boat and trust you!
Any out there who want to come to discover and see how God is going to work in Hai Phuong? Come with me in May!
PS. At the airport I got a call from Giang. He said the head guy (I don't want to misspeak his title) from Hai Phong called him and as very upset. My stomach tightened, wondering what did we do wrong. Giang went on to say he the leader heard we were in his city and had not told him!!!
Giang promised on our next trip we would be sure to meet with him also.
So is this undeniable evidence of a living God or what???
By the time you read this I and my family are on the way to Maui!
Thank you for following our trip. And for hanging on till the last journal! It means a lot to me.
If your feel a tug in your gut, a whisper saying it is time for you to step out and come with us. Give me call or send an email.
I have not mentioned funds but we do need funding and opportunities to share about GIBTK and the lives which are being transformed. If you know a place we can come and speak lets us know. If you have something left after tax time and can spare it, donations can be done online at . If you are the type who prays, pray for my family, our trip and for the entire GIBTK family!!!
Happy Easter! He is RISEN!!!! YEAH GOD!
><((((º> BBlessed