Change Forever!!!

Change Forever!!!

Journal by Larry and Chris Commins – Ipswich, Australia
I first met Robert and Tam from Giving It Back To Kids (we think) about 10 years ago. We met in connection with my role at the time as Southeast Asian director of a leadership training and conferencing organization called The Global Leadership Network (GLN). GIBTK was and remains the Vietnamese national partner for the GLN.

From our first meeting I was caught by surprise at the excellence and the heart of the work of GIBTK. So much so, that during my time working in Vietnam, I asked my wife Chris to please come to DaNang with me and see the amazing things being accomplished by this organization. The short story is, Chris did come with me, twice, and we fell in love with the country, the people, and the work of GIBTK. We are now at last able to be back here again for our third visit and there aren’t adequate words in English to describe our experience so far, but we’ll do our best!

After arriving and resting for a day in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, we took the 7-hour road trip to the GIBTK Girls’ Home in Battambang. We learned that this home has been established for about 10 years, but it was the first time Chris and I had been able to visit. The moment we arrived the girls were there to welcome us, and our hearts melted! We spent the next couple of days interacting with the rescued girls there (ages 12 to 24) and my biggest impression is that these young women have been more than “rescued,” their lives are being transformed! We heard some heartbreaking stories of where the girls had come from. To see them now and learn that they are progressing through school and university, and on to vocational roles only previously possible in their dream. This is a treasure, and is the outcome of the work of GIBTK and its amazing staff and leadership.

We were also able to travel with a small GIBTK team to PoiPet near the Thai border. The purpose of this visit was to meet with key local leaders already “on the ground” as part of GIBTK evaluating the potential, hazards, and next steps for a home for trafficked boys (so far, a largely neglected group of needy human lives). “Watch this Space”!

On to DaNang in Vietnam, more melting of crusted hearts! Chris and I have spent the last few days here visiting GIBTK’s established homes for vulnerable people including young single moms, and neglected or abandoned boys, girls and young men and women. We can attest to the change that has occurred in many of their lives since our last visit. We met with young men and women who have graduated from university through GIBTK’s love and care and are now building successful lives and families of their own. A good number of them have chosen to become part of the GIBTK network of schools and programs and are now, in their turn, “giving it back to other kids!” 

We had the privilege of participating in the gifting of a wheelchair to and elderly man in a village near DaNang. He and his wife are in their 80’s and a recent stroke has meant he was unable to leave his home. This gift is literally life changing for them and I wish you could see the smiles on their faces as his wife, almost half his size, was able to push him up the pathway near their house!

So many stories to tell but please allow me to include this. Just yesterday afternoon we were able to visit classes in the GIBTK school now operating in premises which also includes 3 of the homes. Following this the leaders hosted a pizza party for the kids, students, and visitors. What a night to remember! But the highlight for me was seeing a young woman there at the party whom Robert had earlier introduced me to. Her story has many chapters but includes the fact that not so long ago, she was not expected to live. A heart operation funded by donors to the GIBTK program meant that she could join the fun of the party. You can’t put a price on that!

We have to include something of the way seeing all these things changes our own hearts. It reminds us that there is Hope (capital “H” intended) in a world that currently often doesn’t have much of the stuff. It reminds us that you can start with what you have in your hands, however grand or small, and make a difference for someone else. It helps put things back into perspective, puts a smile on your face, and very likely, a tear in your eye!
Thanks and Blessings to Robert and Tam and all the amazing GIBTK staff and leaders. You are precious treasures!
Larry and Chris Commins – Ipswich, Australia


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