Growth and Transformation

Growth and Transformation

Today's journal, by my dedicated son - Tommy Kalatschan
When I sit down and think about the last time I was able to travel to Vietnam was in 2018; what I immediately recognize in 2023 is the growth, experience, and transformation I’ve seen in both myself and the world around me. Life five years ago can feel like a different chapter of yourself, and I feel GIBTK has been on an incredible new chapter of development/growth since my last visit. The effect our programs, structures, and teachings have on the communities, kids, and staff has been tremendous. This new chapter GIBTK has been steadily transversing through is clearly the accumulation of 20 years of commitment to a great cause. The achievements of this new chapter will only further highlight the development and unlimited potential of GIBTK throughout the world.


This trip Elenista and I were mostly focused on learning about each of GIBTK’s programs - how they function, the staff’s involvement, past achievements, and future goals for the program. Meeting the new staff, while also catching up with our senior staff was heartwarming. The work culture GIBTK has been cultivating is thoughtful, transparent, and evident in both the way staff treat each other, but also how inviting/caring each program is operated. Our staff goes through great lengths to ensure the program is operated thoroughly and efficiently, but the nucleus of each program is always the people and communities we aim to transform. Going to see all five Project Legacy community centers across Vietnam was incredible. GIBTK has built several havens to promote learning, life skills, and social skills in a safe environment. The success of these Legacy Projects rightfully named after my late mother Dorothea is clearly seen through the joy of the children’s faces we saw at each community center. The air of joy, intrigue, and passion radiates off of the staff, teachers, and students alike. There are no words to describe how proud my mom would feel to see the outreach Project Legacy has on Vietnam.

Elenista and I also spent a fair amount of time with Hal’s Home, Lighthouse, Carmela’s House, and the Father’s house. Now through several iterations of each “Home”, the core mission of each project is just as solid as the day the homes were opened - building up young men and women to be successful people, regardless of life circumstances. Seeing young adults (I still remember as small children) now with ambitious life goals and the tools to achieve them also reminded me how fast life can change. I grew up with some of those kids. Through the highs and lows of life, we both still aspire to be the best versions of ourselves as we can be. The new faces in some of our homes also beamed with promise. Most of the kids who grow up in our homes had troubled family situations. GIBTK will never ask for a thank you from these kids, but their gratitude to be in a safe environment shows in the way they treat their housemates and house mothers.

This past trip was incredibly overdue. But life is about the journey, not the destination. I’ll be back soon. There is a lot GIBTK can teach to the kids and communities of Vietnam, but there is a lot Vietnam can teach to GIBTK as well. To this day I am still inspired.






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