Resourceful, Resilient, Remarkable, Real—Reflections on GIBTK
Reflections on GIBTK - Journal by Mrs. Kim
Resourceful, resilient, remarkable, real—how many more "R" words could I rapturously use to capture the spirit of the GIBTK students, teachers, and staff I had the privilege of meeting? This extraordinary organization has accomplished so much with so little, transforming lives on a shoestring budget.
Mrs. Kim with the children supported by GIBTK in a learning environment
From providing food, Homes, and education to underserved children and unwed mothers to funding life-saving surgeries, supplying wheelchairs and bicycles, providing water treatment kits, and equipping communities with vital life skills and emotional support, GIBTK is a testament to the power of compassion and commitment.
More than 26 meaningful programs at GIBTK have transformed thousands of lives
During my two weeks in Da Nang, I visited several GIBTK Homes, led "personal budgeting and finance" workshops for college students, and formed meaningful one-on-one connections with many students. Those days were filled with unforgettable moments.
An experience-sharing session with student children
How could I ever forget the chubby, smiling baby cradled in the arms of her 17-year-old mother—young, beautiful, and abandoned by her family—at Father's House?
The little angels at The Father's House
Or the shy first-year college student at Lighthouse, her voice trembling as she read her English essay, revealing her dream of becoming a tour guide in Da Nang?
Duyen, a girl raised in the Home with a dream of becoming a tour guide
Or the angelic little girl at Mary's House who pressed her cherished stuffed little bear into my hands as a parting gift, a gesture of pure kindness and generosity?
The little girls at Mary's Home
I thought I was ready to hear these children’s heartbreaking stories marked by hardship and loss, but nothing could have prepared me for the depth of emotion in their eyes. Despite their hardships, they radiated resilience, optimism, and an unshakable hope for the future. In those moments, I felt both inspired and helpless—wishing I could do more, wrap them in a hug and tell them, "You’re safe now. You’re home. You’re at GIBTK."
Wonderful hugs from children in GIBTK's programs
Back in America, I find myself thinking about this extraordinary organization. GIBTK has transformed thousands of lives through its unwavering commitment, and witnessing its impact first hand has been both humbling and inspiring. Yet, I can't shake the feeling of wanting to do more.
How can I continue supporting this vital mission? Should I rally my former work colleagues for donations? How do I mobilize my Vietnamese American friends and family to volunteer? What else can I do? I know GIBTK welcomes all the help it can get, and I will try to continue to find meaningful ways to contribute.
GIBTK is very pleased to help children in difficult circumstances as part of its mission. Become an important part of our work by contacting us at or visiting our website:
"We highly appreciate you and thank you for transforming lives"